The UCLA basketball school confirmed that former basketball player Jalen Hill has died at the age of 22.

Coach Mick Cronin showed his softer side and said that Jalen's death was heartbreaking for him.

He said that Hill was a warm-hearted young man who has left us far too soon. 'He'll be missed' he added.

Reports claim that Hill's family learned about it soon after Hill went missing but they did not disclose it.

They said that they know that their son has played a part in so many people's life. They also asked for time so that they can grieve.

His coach Josh Giles in his school in Corona told the LA Times that Hill was a great basketball player.

He said that he's so stunned that he does not even explain his emotions. 'To hear this is next level devastating,' he added.

Hill after leaving the UCLA basketball team said that he was damaging the team because of the headspace he was in and he wants them to achieve goals.

Once Hill and his three playmates were arrested in China on shoplifting charges in the year 2017.

Because of that he was also suspended for the 2017-18 season but then returned in the next season and appeared in 77 games.