Dance like one is watching suits the Navratri like a gem. People are enthusiastic during Navratri.

Everything in Hindu culture has meaning even the Garba. Navratri is a nine-day festival.

Garba is a group circle dance style where it was performed by the entire community in a public gathering.

The Sanskrit term Garbha means womb. It is generally performed in a circle with a big lamp in between.

It honours females and celebrates fertility. Pays reverence to all nine types of mother divines.

The dance depicts the god who we see as feminine in this constantly evolving universe.

It is a religious activity which is performed barefoot because being barefoot is a sign of respect for the ground beneath one's feet.

The foot is the part of the body that makes contact with the sacred mother of all, the ground.

The earth has generative qualities, the foot is thought to be the conduit by which the earth's energy passes through people.

Claps release the desires frequencies from the universe and then support the desires of the embodied soul.